Trust company, BKB

Overseas Resource Development Projects

Project Overview
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  • In response to high oil price and raw resource prices, relationship with resource producer countries are emphasized in today's world. In such circumstances, BKB has established M.Y.N.T. Co., Ltd. in Mongolia, which is creating local coal mine developers. This networking has resulted in the purchase of a coal mine 110km southeast of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, whose drilling exploration has completed recently. BKB’s Mongolian subsidiary has applied for the approval to build an export coal-fired power plant that can produce 6,600MW of electricity, and BKB is continuing to acquire the rights to mine bronze and gold in the country.

    Starting from this project, BKB Co., LTD is going to enhance the cooperation projects by constructing the human network through the local companies of countries having natural resource so the we can get the source of energy resource and get the high performance in the global competition.

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