Trust company, BKB


조감도 이미지

  • BKB was founded as Woohwa Construction in 1987, and changed the name to the current one in 2001, when it began overseas development investment business. Jeong Si-wu, the CEO of the company, has twenty years of experience in construction business in Korea and overseas. Using the know-how, BKB is expanding its new town development, power plant construction, resource development, and trade businesses into Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Irkutsk in Russia, and Central Asia.

    When the Soviet Union and communist bloc in the Eastern Europe fell, Mr. Jeong bought patents for high-level technologies owned by these countries, with which BKB plans to begin various BT and IT business projects. In order to proceed, the company plans to acquire various energy, IT, and BT companies listed on the Korean stock market.

  • Since ten years ago, BKB has been actively engaged in gas, coal, and hydro power plant construction and energy business in Myanmar, Mongolia, Mozambique, Algeria, Ethiopia, and CIS countries. The company is also expanding its business area to international trade and defense industry to become a true global company.

    BKB is an acronym for Busan Korea Biotechnology, which expresses the CEO's strong dedication to IT and BT business. The company is also planning to build a new headquarters building.

History of BKB

